Absolute Comedy Toronto!!

Showtimes & Prices
Tuesday $12 8:30PM
Wednesday $8 8:30PM
Thursday $12 8:30PM
Friday $20 9:00PM
Saturday (Early) $20 8:00PM
Saturday (Late) $20 10:45PM
Sunday $12 8:00PM

Dinner & Show Packages

Wednesday is PRO/AM night – we have 3 to 5 local amateur comics, as well as 1 or 2 of the professional weekend performers.

Thursday to Sunday shows – normally have 2 or 3 comedians with an MC, a feature act and a headliner. The shows last approximately 90 minutes. All shows contain adult content, but there is no age restriction for entry to the show.

Reservations Required
(416) 486-7700


Jul 27 2024


8:30 PM - 10:00 PM


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